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This page is divided into the following sections:
Name | Organisation | Tel No. | Email Address |
Michael R. Inggs (PhD) (Professor)
Departmental Webpage |
University of Cape Town | +27 (0)21 650 2799 (UCT)
+27 (0)21 658 2756 (CHPC) +27 (0)21 531 7282 (KAT) |
michael.inggs![]() |
Wilkinson (PhD) (Associate Professor) Departmental Webpage |
University of Cape Town | +27 (0)21 650 3803 | andrew.wilkinson![]() |
Dr. Amit Kumar Mishra CV |
University of Cape Town | +27 (0)21 650 2794 | amit.mishra![]() |
Simon Winberg (PhD) (Lecturer) Departmental Webpage |
University of Cape Town | +27 (0)21 650 2793 | simon.winberg![]() |
Andrew van der Byl | University of Cape Town | +27 (0)21 650 2039 | a.vanderbyl![]() |
Name | Organisation | Tel No. | Email Address |
Chris J. Baker (PhD) (Professor) | ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science, Canberra, Australia | +61 2 6125 8807 | Chris.Baker![]() |
Hugh D. Griffiths (PhD) (Professor) | University College London, UK | +44 (0) 20 7679 731 | h.griffiths![]() |
Name | Organisation | Tel No. | Email Address |
John Collins | SimCon, UK | +44 (1933) 66 4478 | john_collins![]() |
Brian T. Farrimond | Liverpool Hope University, UK | +44 (151) 291 3606 | farrimb![]() |
Dr Alan Langman (PhD) | KAT / SKA Project, Pinelands, Cape Town | +27 (0)21 531 7282 | alan.langman![]() |
Dr Richard T. Lord (PhD) | KAT / SKA Project, Pinelands, Cape Town | +27 (0)21 531 7282 | richardtlord![]() |
Dr Norman Morrison (PhD) | University of Cape Town | +27 (0)21 650 2792 | norman.morrison![]() |
Dr Karl Woodbridge (PhD) | University College London, UK | +44 (20) 7679 3969 | k.woodbridge![]() |
Name | Organisation | Tel No. | Email Address |
Shivvaan Sathasilvam | School of Electrical
& Electronic Engineering, University of Adelaide, Australia |
+27 (0)21 650 2799 | shivvaan![]() |
Name | Organisation | Tel No. | Email Address |
Regine Lord | University of Cape Town | +27 (0)21 650 2799 | regine.lord![]() |
No. | Name | Organisation | Tel No. | Email Address |
1 | Jeanine Engelbrecht | Council for Geoscience | +27 (0)21 948 4754 | jengelbrecht![]() |
Topic: Advanced differential interferometry for geohazard assessment in South Africa | ||||
2 | Yunus Abdul Gaffar | CSIR, Pretoria | ynagaffar![]() |
Topic: Classification of Sea Vessels in a Persistent Surveillance Radar System using ISAR Imagery | ||||
3 | Albert Gazendam | CSIR, Pretoria | +27 (0)12 841 4820 | agazendam![]() |
Topic: On the Performance Benchmarking of Storage Subsystems in High Performance Computing Environments | ||||
4 | Jason Manley | KAT / SKA Project, Pinelands, Cape Town | +27 (0)21 531 7282 | jasonmanley![]() |
Topic: Porting of a Software Platform for High Performance Reconfigurable Computing | ||||
5 | Stephan Sandenbergh | University of Cape Town | +27 (0)21 650 5547 | stephan![]() |
Topic: A Low-Cost Time Synchronization Method for a Netted Radar System using Multi-channel Common View GPS Time Transfer |
No. | Name | Organisation | Tel No. | Email Address |
1 | Michael Aitken
(thesis submitted, under examination) |
Centre for Higher Performance Computing, Cape Town | +27 (0)21 658 3964 | mike.aitken![]() |
Topic: A Reconfigurable Accelerator Card for High Performance Computing | ||||
Garikai Mhunduru | University of Cape Town | garinate![]() |
2 | Saleh Mohammed Alsaif | Tellumat, Cape Town | +27 (0)21 710 2086 | smalsaif![]() |
Topic: Radar Signal Processing | ||||
3 | Benson Chan | University of Cape Town | +27 (0)21 650 3756 | bensonchan1984![]() |
Topic: Receiver site optimisation for PCL radar system | ||||
4 | Eric Shi-Huan Chen | University of Cape Town | +27 (0)21 650 3756 | cire309![]() |
Topic: Multi-input Multi-output (MIMO) PCL network management | ||||
5 | Anria Cilliers (submitting in 2009) |
CSIR, Pretoria | +27 (0)12 841 4871 | acilliers![]() |
Topic: Helicopter blade parameter extraction for purposes of radar non-cooperative target recognition | ||||
6 | Jean-Paul da Conceicao | Centre for Higher Performance Computing, Cape Town | +27 (0)21 658 3964 | jpdacon![]() |
Topic: Applications to be run on the Hydra Engine | ||||
7 | Rian de Wind | CSIR, Pretoria | +27 (0)12 841 3306 | rdewind![]() |
Topic: Tracking of small boats in high sea states with a X-band search radar | ||||
8 | Georgie George
(corrections submitted) |
South African Weather Bureau | +27 (0)12 665 1594 | georgie![]() |
Topic: Integration, Implementation and Testing of the X Band SASAR II Radar Unit | ||||
9 | Michael Gorven | Centre for Higher Performance Computing, Cape Town | +27 (0)21 658 3964 | mgorven![]() |
Topic: High Performance Computing on the Cell Broadband Engine | ||||
10 | Brandon Hamilton
(upgrading to PhD) |
KAT / SKA Project, Pinelands, Cape Town | +27 (0)21 531 7282 | brandon.hamilton![]() |
Topic: Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Computers | ||||
11 | Sebastiaan Heunis | University of Cape Town | +27 (0)21 650 3756 | sheunis![]() |
Topic: Passive Radar and Passive Coherent Location (PCL) using Software Defined Radio techniques | ||||
12 | Jane Hewitson
(upgrading to PhD) |
Centre for Higher Performance Computing, Cape Town | +27 (0)21 658 3964 | janeruthh![]() |
Topic: Implementing Algorithms for scaling floating-point numbers on FPGAs | ||||
13 | Ray Tsung-Jui Hsieh | Centre for Higher Performance Computing, Cape Town | +27 (0)21 658 3964 | ray6402![]() |
Topic: Base level hardware programming (electronics) | ||||
14 | Han Jingxu | University of Cape Town | +27 (0)21 650 3756 | joey![]() |
Topic: Evaluating performance of MIMO (Multiple Input and Multiple Output) PCL (Passive Coherent Location) Radar systems | ||||
15 | Roufurd Julie
(submitting in 2009) |
KAT / SKA Project, Pinelands, Cape Town | +27 (0)21 531 7282 | roufurd.julie![]() |
Topic: Fibre Optic Calibrator for Karoo Array Telescope | ||||
16 | Mahlatse Lekalakala | University of Cape Town | +27 (0)21 650 3756 | mjlekalakala![]() |
Topic: To be finalised | ||||
17 | Joseph Milburn
(submitting in 2009) |
Centre for Higher Performance Computing, Cape Town | +27 (0)21 658 3964 | joetendai![]() |
Topic: Co-processor Offloading applied to Passive Coherent Location with Doppler and Bearing Data | ||||
18 | Lerato Mohapi | iThemba LABS - EIT Student | leratojeffrey![]() |
Topic: GenSAT System | ||||
19 | Roaldje Nadjiasngar | University of Cape Town | +27(0)21 650 2792 | Roaldje.Nadjiasngar![]() |
Topic: Target 3D tracking using the Gauss-Newton Filter | ||||
20 | Sharef Neemat | Tellumat, Cape Town | +27(0)21 710 2086 | sharefn![]() |
Topic: Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) Environmental Simulator | ||||
21 | Khosi Peko (part-time) |
previously iThemba Labs, Cape Town | tbd | ntatepeko![]() |
Topic: Design of Energy Degrader Controller for High Precision Radiotherapy | ||||
22 | Arjun Radhakrishnan | KAT / SKA Project, Pinelands, Cape Town | +27 (0)21 531 7282 | arjun![]() |
Topic: Examination of the DiFX correlator | ||||
23 | Shanly Rajan | KAT / SKA Project, Pinelands, Cape Town | +27 (0)21 531 7282 | shanlycallsu![]() |
Topic: Automated gateware discovery using Open Firmware | ||||
24 | Kanono Ramashamole
(part-time) |
CSIR, Pretoria | +27 (0)12 841 2864 | kanono![]() |
Topic: Investigation of Tracking Filters | ||||
25 | Makhamisa Senekane | iThemba Labs | +27 (0)21 843 1359 | makhamisa12![]() |
Topic: Design and Implementation of Manual VMEBus* Exerciser | ||||
26 | Wayne Smith
(corrections submitted) |
Eskom: Generation Business Engineering | +27 (0)11 800 6448 | wayne.smith![]() |
Topic: Commissioning a 400 Hz Power Supply | ||||
27 | Nick Thorne
(upgrading to PhD) |
Centre for Higher Performance Computing, Cape Town | +27 (0)21 658 3964 | thorne.nj![]() |
Topic: Developing an eco-system for the HTX co-processor card designed by fellow student Mike Aitken | ||||
28 | Evan Pei-Hung Tsai | University of Cape Town | +27 (0)21 650 3756 | evan_429![]() |
Topic: Digital Beamforming of PCL systems | ||||
30 | Aadil Volkwin
(corrections submitted) |
University of Cape Town | +27 (0)21 650 3756 | aadil![]() |
Topic: Design and Implementation of a Controller Unit for SASAR II | ||||
31 | Jonathan Ward
(submitting in 2009) |
University of Cape Town | +27 (0)21 650 3756 | jon![]() |
Topic: Design and Implementation of a Non-Contact Level Measurement Instrument | ||||
32 | Andrew Woods
(submitting in 2009) |
KAT / SKA Project,
Pinelands, Cape Town and Centre for Higher Performance Computing, Cape Town |
+27 (0)21 658 3964 | drew.woods![]() |
Topic: A Radio Astronomy Correlator Implementation using High Performance Reconfigurable Computing |
Name | Year | Email Address | Topic of Thesis |
Alexander, Leon | 1994 | Leon.Alexander![]() |
The Planning of a South African Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Measuring Campaign (View abstract) |
Alston, Caireen E. | 1994 | caireen_alston![]() |
Standardising Modules for Tactical Command and Control Man-Machine Interfaces (View abstract) |
Archer, Paul J. | 1997 | Quick Look Processor for an Airborne SAR System (View abstract) | |
Ashok, Amit | 2001 | ashokamit![]() |
Implementation and Analysis of A Bayesian Approach to Topographic Reconstruction with Multiple Antenna SAR Interferometry (View abstract) |
Ballard, Norman | 1995 | theballardfamily![]() |
Electrode Length Measurement in Electric Arc Furnaces (View abstract) |
Bauermeister, Etienne F. | 2005 | etienne.bauermeister![]() |
Implementing a Ground Penetrating Radar User Interface in System-On-Chip Technology (View abstract) |
Bennett, Thomas G.H. | 2003 | lmzxq.tom![]() |
Development of a Parallel SAR Processor on a Beowulf Cluster (View abstract) |
Bras, Johan J. | 1991 | jbras![]() |
A Simulation of the Single Scan Accuracy of a Two-dimensional Pulsed Surveillance Radar (View abstract) |
Brooker, Marc | 2008 | mbrooker![]() |
The Design and Implementation of a Simulator for Multistatic Radar Systems (PhD) View abstract |
Carter, Grant R. | 1998 | grantc![]() |
System Level Simulation of Digital Designs: A Case Study (View abstract) |
Chang, Ching-Wei Wesley | 2005 | wesleychang1981@![]() |
Systems Level Investigation of Television Based Bistatic Radar (View abstract) |
Chen, Tai-Lin Greg | 2006 | greg![]() |
GPR Propagation Simulation and Fat Dipole Antenna Design (View abstract) |
Coetzee, Shirley L. (née Wuyts) | 1997 | Shirley.Coetzee![]() |
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Processing using Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) (View abstract) |
Coetzer, Darren G. | 2004 | darrencoetzer2004![]() |
Design and Implementation of a X-band Transmitter and Frequency Distribution Unit for a Synthetic Aperture Radar (View abstract) |
Cope, Michael K. | 2003 | Michael.Cope![]() |
Design, Simulation and Implementation of a Digital Quadrature Demodulator for a Stepped Frequency Radar (View abstract) |
Del Mistro, Mario | 1992 | mario.delmistro![]() |
A Study of Bistatic Radar and the Development of an Independent Bistatic Radar Receiver (View abstract) |
Desai, Amresh | +/- 1999 | VHF Imaging Radar (no abstract available) | |
Doyle, Gavin S. | 2000 | gdoyle![]() |
Three Applications of Satellite Borne Repeat Pass SAR Interferometry in Southern Africa (View abstract) |
Dunn, Sydney | 2008 | bobbyd_2000_us![]() |
A Study of the SA SKA RFI Measurement Systems (View abstract) |
Eatock, Rebecca | 1994 | allandbex![]() |
A Spatially Variable Fertilizer Applicator System (View abstract) |
Fadiran, Oladipo O. | 2001 | ofadiran![]() |
Design and Implementation of a Parallel Registration Algorithm for SAR Images (View abstract) |
Farquharson, Gordon | 1999 | gordon![]() |
Design and Implementation of a 200 to 1600 MHz Stepped Frequency Ground Penetrating Radar Transceiver (View abstract) |
Fullalove, Richard M. | 1994 | richard.fullalove![]() |
Failsafe Display System (View abstract) |
Gambahaya, Sifiso B. | 2005 | gamba007![]() |
Design and Implementation of the Pillbox Antenna for SASARII (View abstract) |
Gebhardt, Mark | 1995 | markg![]() |
Speckle Reduction in SAR Imagery (View abstract) |
George, David | 2008 | dgeorgester![]() |
A High-Speed Testing Platform Using a 10Ge Switch for Radio Astronomy (View abstract) |
Golda, Peter J. | 1997 | peter![]() |
Software Simulation of a SAR (View abstract) |
Gwena, Tinashe | 2003 | Gollach: Configuration of a Cluster based Linux Virtual Server (View abstract) | |
Hassenpflug, I. Gernot | 1996 | aikishugyo![]() |
Investigation of Developments in Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar until 1994 (View abstract) |
Horrell, Jasper M. | 1999 | jasper.horrell![]() |
Range-Doppler Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing at VHF Frequencies (PhD) (View abstract) |
Isaacson, Adam R. | 2002 | aisaacson![]() |
A 500kHz to 5MHz Stepped Frequency Borehole Tomographic Imaging System (View abstract) |
Jongens, Adrian W.D. | 1993 | adrian.jongens![]() |
Application of Cepstrum Techniques and Guard Tube to the Measurement of the Normal Incident Sound Power Absorption in situ (View abstract) |
Kabutz, Marten H. | 1995 | RF Hardware Design of a Stepped Frequency Continuous Wave Ground Penetrating Radar (View abstract) | |
Koeppen, Peter G. | +-1997 | Airborne SAR and iSAR (No abstract available) | |
Kritzinger, Paul J. | 1991 | A Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Processor Design (View abstract) | |
Kusel, Thomas W. | 1995 | thomas.kusel![]() |
On the Waveform Fidelity of Broadband Digital Storage Architectures (View abstract) |
Lange, Gunther | 2010 | lange.gun![]() |
Investigation into Passive Radar Target Tracking Techniques |
Langman, Alan | 2002 | alan.langman![]() |
The Design of Hardware and Signal Processing for a Stepped Frequency Ground Penetrating Radar (PhD) (View abstract) |
Lengenfelder, Rolf | 1998 | The Design and Implementation of a Radar Simulator (View abstract) | |
Locke, Lisa S. (née Wray) | 2001 | llocke![]() |
Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Simulator for Interferometry (View abstract) |
Lord, Richard T. | 2000 | richardtlord![]() |
Aspects of Stepped-Frequency Processing for Low-Frequency SAR Systems (PhD) (View abstract) |
Martens, Andrew | 2005 | andrew.martens![]() |
A High Speed Data Acquisition System (View abstract) |
McMahon, Peter L. | 2008 | Adventures in Radio Astronomy Instrumentation and Signal Processing (View abstract) | |
Mngadi, Andile | 2007 | andile.mngadi![]() |
L-band RFI Measurement System Simulation and Investigation (View abstract) |
Modise, Stephen K. | 2003 | karabom![]() |
Development of a Real Time Radar Data Acquisition System (View abstract) |
Mohungoo, Ajmal I. | 2004 | ajmal7![]() |
An Airborne X-Band SAR Receiver Design and Implementation (View abstract) |
Mountain, Alan N. | 2004 | alanmountain_personal![]() |
Calibration System for the Tracking Accuracy Measurement System (TAMS) using differential GPS (dGPS) (View abstract) |
Mukhopadhyay, K. Pradip | 2005 | pkm_225![]() |
Three-dimensional Borehole Radar Imaging (PhD) (View abstract) |
Nyareli, Teboho N. | 2003 | TNyareli![]() |
Development of a Cable Odometer with a Network Interface (View abstract) |
Phaladi, Shikoane Given | 2007 | given![]() |
Using GPS bistatic signal for ocean and land remote sensing in South Africa (View abstract) |
Robinson, Anthony D. | 1996 | anthonyr![]() |
Ship Target Recognition (View abstract) |
Salkinder, Jason | 2008 | jsalk![]() |
Design of a Low-Cost High Speed Data Capture Card for the Hubble Sphere Hydrogen Survey (View abstract) |
Serretta, Hyram | 1998 | Hyram.Serretta![]() |
Ship Target Recognition (View abstract) |
Tanser, Daniel J. | 2003 | leadership![]() |
Simulation of a Slope Stability Radar for Opencast Mining (View abstract) |
Tremeac, Yann | 1999 | yann.tremeac![]() |
Top-Down Design of DSP Systems: A Case Study (View abstract) |
Van der Linden, C.P. | 1990 | (View abstract) | |
Van der Riet, K.P. | 1991 | Test System for Shipboard Antennas (View abstract) | |
Van Dyk, Clifford L. | 2002 | clifford![]() |
The Design and Implementation of a Wideband Digital Radio Receiver (View abstract) |
Van Schaik, Carl F. | 2002 | carl.vanschaik![]() |
The Development of a Node for a Hardware Reconfigurable Parallel Processor (View abstract) |
Wallis, Allen B. | 2001 | allen![]() |
The Design and Implementation of a Distributed Data Capture and Processing Framework for Ground Penetrating Radar (View abstract) |
Watermeyer, Kalen | 2007 | kalen![]() |
Design of a Hardware Platform for Narrow-band Software Defined Radio applications (View abstract) |
Webster, Justin M. | 2004 | The Development of a Radar Digital Unit for the SASAR II Project (View abstract) | |
Welsh, S.D. | 1991 | A Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Data Processor (View abstract) | |
Williams, Lance P. | 2008 | lance![]() |
Implementing a RADAR Application using the Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) (View abstract) |
Wu, Monica Wai-Man | 2008 | mango5sim![]() |
The Characterisation of a Double-Conversion Superheterodyne Receiver (View abstract) |
Zietsman, Christian F. | 2004 | cf_zietsman![]() |
Theory, Design and Implementation of an IF Cancellation Module for use in a Stepped Frequency Continuous Wave Ground Penetrating Radar (View abstract) |
This page was last updated in February 2009