\ EEE4084F - Digital Systems


These are the practicals available for the course.
Report Template
Please use one of these templates for your prac reports and project reports. For Prac1 you are requested to use Latex.
Latex Report
Word Report (can adapt the IEEE Standard Article Format)

Help using Latex Help for using Latex: 
Practical 1 Practical 1: Octave

The focus of this practical is on learning to use Octave (the free sort-of Matlab program) and doing some statistical operations.

Practical Description
Lecture on Terms
Example Report
Practical 2 Practical 2: Static Pthreads

The focus of this practical is on partitioning data for multi-threaded applications using a median filter on JPEG images.

Practical Description
Source Code
Source with libjpeg source included (for compiling on versions of Linux that has a later version of libjpeg (tested on Ubuntu 14.04.5)
Help with compiling with pthreads on Windows
Practical 3 Practical 3: OpenCL  (2018 version)

The focus of this practical is investigating the performance metrics of an OpenCL matrix multiplication implementation.

Practical Description
Source Code (make clean and then make)
Practical 4 Practical 4: MPI

The focus of this practical is message-passing in a distributed memory programming model. This practical will use the same median filter as was used in Practical 2.

Practical Description
Source Code (make clean and then make)
Practical 5 Practical 5: FPGA Introduction

The focus of this practical is an introduction to Xilinx ISE, as well as the implementation of a real-time clock on the 7-segment display.

Practical Description
Reference Documents
Verilog Cheat Sheet
Verilog Coding Reference (guide to programming in Verilog)
Optional Extra Pracs
Practical 3 Practical 2B: Dynamic Pthreads (2016)

The focus of this practical is dynamic partitioning of data for multi-threaded applications, following on as a continuation of Practical 2.

Practical Description
Practical 5 Practical 6: OpenGL  (2016)

The focus of this practical is a fragment shader, written in OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL).

Practical Description
Source Code
Simple Example
Practical 6 Practical 3A: OpenCL  (2017 version)

The focus of this practical is using OpenCL and the Amazon Elastic Cloud.