22. |
R.T. Lord, W. Nel and M.Y.A. Gaffar,
"Investigation of 3-D RCS Image Formation of Ships Using ISAR,"
Proc. European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR 2006,
Dresden, Germany, May 2006.
21. |
R.T. Lord,
"Radio Frequency Interference Suppression applied to
Synthetic Aperture Radar Data,"
XXVIIIth General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science,
URSI 2005,
New Delhi, India, October 2005.
20. |
M.R. Inggs and R.T. Lord,
"Current Applications of Imaging Radar,"
Int. Conf. on Advanced Remote Sensing for Earth Observation Systems,
Techniques and Applications,
vol. XXXVI-1/w12,
Riyadh, Kingdom Saudi Arabia, May 2005.
19. |
M.R. Inggs, R.T. Lord and A.J. Wilkinson,
"Achievements and Potential for Imaging Radar Systems for Africa,"
South African IEEE Antennas and Propagation and Microwave Theory
and Techniques, AP/MTT 2005,
Stellenbosch, South Africa, March 2005.
18. |
E. Boerner, R.T. Lord, J. Mittermayer and R. Bamler,
"Evaluation of TerraSAR-X Spotlight Processing Accuracy
based on a New Spotlight Raw Data Simulator,"
Proc. IEEE Int. Geoscience Remote Sensing Symp., IGARSS 2003,
Toulouse, France, July 2003.
17. |
J. Mittermayer, R.T. Lord and E. Boerner,
"Sliding Spotlight SAR Processing for TerraSAR-X Using a New Formulation
of the Extended Chirp Scaling Algorithm,"
Proc. IEEE Int. Geoscience Remote Sensing Symp., IGARSS 2003,
Toulouse, France, July 2003.
16. |
W. Nel, J. Tait, R.T. Lord and A.J. Wilkinson,
"The Use of a Frequency Domain Stepped Frequency Technique to
Obtain High Range Resolution on the CSIR X-Band SAR System,"
Proc. 6th IEEE AFRICON Conf., AFRICON'02,
George, South Africa, vol. 1, pp. 327-332, October 2002.
15. |
P.K. Mukhopadhyay, M.R. Inggs, A.J. Wilkinson and R.T. Lord,
"Three-Dimensional Borehole Radar Imaging Using Synthetic Aperture Time-Domain Focusing,"
Extended Abstract, 72nd SEG Annual Meeting,
Salt Lake City, USA, 2002.
14. |
R.T. Lord, A.J. Wilkinson and M.R. Inggs,
"Experiences with the South African VHF Synthetic Aperture Radar,"
Proc. of South African Geophysical Association, SAGA 2001,
Drakensberg Mountains, South Africa, October 2001.
13. |
A.J. Wilkinson, R.T. Lord and M.R. Inggs,
"Repeat Pass SAR Interferometry at VHF Band,"
Proc. IEEE Int. Geoscience Remote Sensing Symp., IGARSS 2001,
Sydney, Australia, July 2001.
12. |
M.R. Inggs and R.T. Lord,
"Applications of Satellite Imaging Radar,"
South African Institute of Electrical Engineers, SAIEE,
South Africa, 2000.
11. |
R.T. Lord and M.R. Inggs,
"Measurements and Characteristics of RFI for a Low-Bandwidth VHF SAR System,"
Proc. European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR 2000,
Munich, Germany, pp. 845-848, May 2000.
10. |
R.T. Lord and M.R. Inggs, "Efficient RFI suppression in
SAR using a LMS adaptive filter with sidelobe
suppression integrated with the range/Doppler algorithm,"
Proc. IEEE Int. Geoscience Remote Sensing Symp.,
IGARSS'99, Hamburg, Germany, June 1999.
9. |
R.T. Lord and M.R. Inggs,
"Efficient RFI suppression in SAR using a LMS adaptive filter integrated with the
range/Doppler algorithm," in
Electronics Letters,
vol. 35, no. 8, pp. 629-630, April 1999.
8. |
A.J. Wilkinson, R.T. Lord and M.R. Inggs,
"Stepped-Frequency Processing by Reconstruction of Target Reflectivity Spectrum,"
IEEE Proc. of the South African Symp. on Communications and Signal Processing, COMSIG'98,
Cape Town, South Africa, pp. 101-104, September 1998.
7. |
R.T. Lord and M.R. Inggs,
"Approaches to RF Interference Suppression for VHF/UHF Synthetic Aperture Radar,"
IEEE Proc. of the South African Symp. on Communications and Signal Processing, COMSIG'98,
Cape Town, South Africa, pp. 95-100, September 1998.
6. |
R.T. Lord and M.R. Inggs,
"High Range Resolution Radar using Narrowband Linear Chirps offset in Frequency,"
IEEE Proc. of the South African Symp. on Communications and Signal Processing, COMSIG'97,
Grahamstown, South Africa, pp. 9-12, September 1997.
5. |
R.T. Lord and M.R. Inggs,
"High Resolution SAR Processing Using Stepped-Frequencies,"
Proc. IEEE Int. Geoscience Remote Sensing Symp., IGARSS'97,
Singapore, vol. 1, pp. 490-492, August 1997.
4. |
R.T. Lord and M.R. Inggs,
"High Resolution VHF SAR Processing Using Synthetic Range Profiling,"
Proc. IEEE Int. Geoscience Remote Sensing Symp., IGARSS'96,
Lincoln, Nebraska, vol. 1, pp. 454-456, June 1996.
3. |
M.R. Inggs and R.T. Lord,
"Interpolating Satellite Derived Wind Field Data Using Ordinary Kriging, with
Application to the Nadir Gap,"
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,
vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 250-256, January 1996.
2. |
M.R. Inggs and R.T. Lord,
"Interpolating Satellite Derived Wind Field Data Using Ordinary Kriging, with
Application to the Nadir Gap,"
Proc. Southern Universities' Postgraduate Electrical Engineering Symposium, SUPEES'95,
Stellenbosch, South Africa, pp. 52-54, November 1995.
1. |
M.R. Inggs and R.T. Lord,
"Interpolating Satellite Derived Wind Field Data Using Ordinary Kriging, with
Application to the Nadir Gap,"
Proc. IEEE Int. Geoscience Remote Sensing Symp., IGARSS'95,
Firenze, Italy, vol. 1, pp. 141-143, July 1995.