Michael Inggs was born in 1951 at Uitenhage, South Africa. He was
educated at Muir College (Uitenhage), St. Andrew's College
(Grahamstown, Matriculation, 1969), Rhodes University (Grahamstown,
BSc.(Hons.), Physics, 1973)) and London University (Imperial College,
London, PhD, DIC, 1979).
After this he worked at Decca Radar
Research Labs (Hersham, UK), ERA Technology (Leatherhead, UK),
Raytheon Company (Norwood Mass.), ESD (Halfway House, RSA), South
African Naval Dockyard (Simon's Town) and has been with the
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Cape Town, since
1988. In 2002 he was given ad hominem promotion to Professor. He is a
member of the IEEE (USA).
Shortly after joining the UCT, he started work in the area of imaging radar, and this has grown into the Radar Remote Sensing Group. At UCT, he teaches undergraduate courses in Digital Electronics, Communications, as well as RF and Microwave engineering. He was Convenor of the Computer Engineering stream of Electrical Engineering. At postgraduate level, he teaches courses in Radar Systems Engineering and Radar Signal Processing. He has been active in research and consulting work for the mining, agricultural, mineral processing and radar industries in South Africa.
Recently he joined the Centre for High Performance Computing, to run the Advanced Computer Engineering Laboratory (ACELab), as a joint appointment with UCT.
A wife (Trish, BSc. (Pharm.) Rhodes University 1974), four children (Kirsten, 1981, Jonathan, 1983, Gordon, 1987, Stella, 1989) mean there is not much time for hobbies other than playing the Highland Bagpipes with the Cape Town Highlanders, keeping a 100 year old house in one piece and sampling fine single malts and good beer while admiring the view!
A more detailed CV, listing experience and publications is available for download.
Updated: 05/10/2009