“Africa and remote sensing are not for sissies”

South African Synthetic Aperture Radar II


A SAR image Africa as viewed from space….the little bit off the side is Madagascar.


The SASAR II radar system is an X band (3cm) high resolution imaging radar that makes use of Synthetic Aperture (SAR) theory to generate high resolution images of terrains from a moving platform.

The SASAR II project was commissioned by a consortium of companies, namely, SunSpace, Kentron and the Radar Remote Sensing group (RRSG). The aim of the project was to demonstrate South Africa’s capabilities of developing a high resolution X-band imaging radar.

The radar system itself consists of various interleaving sub-systems. The correct operation of each sub-system is critical to the success of the complete system. In order to ensure the appropriate amount of attention was given to each unit, various sub-systems were set as masters dissertations.

The SASAR II is currently being integrated and tested as part of an ongoing masters dissertation, by Georgie George. A partially working radar system is expected by the end of the current year.

The information presented in this website serves to give a brief description of each sub-system. The in-depth operation of a radar system, or of SASAR II will be omitted.


Please email me for further information, or references.

UCT Radar Remote Sensing Group



021 650 3756 (Phone)

021 650 3465 (Fax)


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