MercuryB Radar Results Page

The radar parameters for all the radar measurements are listed below:
Fo  200MHz
dF 10MHz 
N 80
Er 6

Please excuse the fact that the radar data does not include an Z and X scale. For images the dimension down the page is the depth into the ground and the dimension across the page is the along track (X) dimension.

8 July 1999 - We have made some software and minor hardware improvements

Another cross section of the 6th floor passage outside the Radar Lab.


Looking for powerlines outside an electrical sub-station (Cape Town)

Cross-section of a road ( off the mainroad in Tokai (Cape Town))


Moving from a road to a concrete driveway (original Blouberg test site)


In the backyard of a house in Blouberg Cape Town


15 June 1999

Cross section of the 6th floor passage outside the Radar Lab.

NOTE: The small hyperbolic profiles are the radar returns from concrete re-inforcing bars
SCAN Distance: +/- 20m  spacing   0.1 m
OTHER:  Approx maximum depth is arou d 1.2m (of the image)


Cross section over road bed on the ground floor outside the Menzies building

NOTE: The hyperbolic profiles from the pipes are easily visible on the right of the image. These
correspond with visual observations of the site.
SCAN Distance: +/-12m, sample spacing 0.1m
OTHER:  Approx maximum depthof the image is around 2.2m


Cross section of a road bed over a sewage pipe at a depth of approx 1.2m

NOTE: The pipe return is again clearly visible. Note the change of depth of a layer below the surface
SCAN Distance:  +/- 8m, sample spacing 0.1m
OTHER:    Approx maximum depth of the image is around 2.2m



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