I was born in Taiwan, which is an island filled with a wide selection of delicious cuisine. In 2000, I joined the University of Cape Town in the Electrical Engineering Department for a Bachelor of Science in Engineering Degree which I obtained in 2003. It was then decided that I would embark on the journey to complete my Masters degree with the UCT Radar & Remote Sensing Group.
In 2003, my undergraduate thesis was supervised by Dr. A.J. Wilkinson. My thesis topic was "An Electrical Impedance Tomography Measurement System". This thesis topic was mainly hardware/electronic based. The requirements for this thesis were to design a synchronous detection circuit which works above 100 kHz and to implement this to obtain impedance measurements. A copy of this thesis can be found here.
In 2004, I started with
RRSG supervised by
Prof. M.R. Inggs.
Here I am involved in a bistatic radar research project whereby a
potential radar receiver will be designed and simulated.
Bistatic radars in general are types of
radars which have transmitters and the receivers on separate sites, as
opposed to monostatic radars having both transmit and receive antennas
at the same site. The advantage of this is that the receivers are not
radiating any energy, and therefore are undectectable by the enemy.
The "illuminator of opportunity" to be
used are the television transmitters, whereby the signal sent by these
transmitter will be used for tarrget detection for commercial aircrafts.
Aerofone Communications (Pty) Ltd
P.O. Box 50920
West Beach
Cape Town
South Africa
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E-mail to: wesley@aerofone.co.za or aerowes@gmail.com
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