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Wayne Smith



I was born and schooled in cape town south africa and attended harold cressy high school where I matriculated and went on to study electrical engineering at the university of cape town. My engineering interests lie in electronics and microcontrollers. For my undergraduate thesis i designed a motor drive for small dc motors and for my post graduate project i intend to commission a radar power supply.

Abstract for my Masters Thesis

An aircraft 400 Hz generator and control unit is being commissioned for use as part of a radar project at the University of Cape Town. The 400 Hz system is mechanically coupled to a prime mover which is a 15 kW induction motor. An investigation is carried out to determine whether the system can operate without part of the differential gearing system which is critical in maintaining the aircraft with a constant 400 Hz three phase supply. During testing is was observed that the system needed to be forced air cooled and a ventilation unit was designed by an external company. An interface between control unit and the user will be made to control the performance of the generator, which will be situated in a remote location.


Radar Remote Sensing Group
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Cape Town
Private Bag
Rondebosch 7701
South Africa
Tel: +27 (0)21 - 650 3756
Fax: +27 (0)21 - 650 3465



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