Thomas Bennett's Homepage



Radar Remote Sensing Group
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Cape Town
Private Bag
Rondebosch 7701
South Africa
Tel: +27 (0)21 - 650 2792
Fax: +27 (0)21 - 650 3465

MSc (Elec Eng) Project

My MSc project was the development and testing of the parallelisation of a Range-Doppler SAR processor. The inherent data parallelism found in SAR data lead to the choice of using master slave parallel processor, where copies of a slave task perform the same tasks on different sets of data. However, the SAR processor that was parallelised needed to implement a corner turn without saving data to disk keeping the data set being processed distributed in memory over the nodes in the cluster. This was successfully achieved using a in-place method, thus saving valuable memory resources. Once the parallel processor was implemented some timing tests where performed, yeilding a maximum speedup factor of 6.2 for an 8 slave processor system.

