Andile Mngadi


I joined UCT in the year 2000 and completed my undergraduate majoring in RF and Microwaves systems. I joined the Radar and Remote Sensing Group (RRSG) at UCT during my final undergraduate year when doing a thesis on a SFCW ground penetrating radar.

Undergraduate work

My  undergraduate thesis was to design a SystemView Simulation of a Stepped Frequency Continuous Wave Ground Penetrating Radar. The thesis was supervised by Professor Michael Inggs.

Post Graduate work

My Masters thesis topic is the Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) measurements system hardware simulation. The project came about as a result of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) international project. The SKA is a new initiative to create a receiving surface of a million square metres, one hundrend times larger than the biggest receiving surface now in existence. A number of countries are condenting to host the SKA core array, and South Africa (S.A) is amongst them. The SKA core array will have to be located in a remote area, hence all contendors must perform RFI measurements at their site of choice. The system that was assembled by the SA RFI team is reviewed by this thesis as a number of design problems were encountered.  

Contact Details

Office number:     6.17 Menzies

Phone number:    650 3756 (Office)

Cell Number:        072 824 1825 or 082 660 1101

Email address: or

Home address:     Flat 4, Mount Close, Newlands