Marc Brooker



Curriculum Vitae (CV)

MSc Project

Undergraduate Project

My Software

Other Information

Interesting Links


I am currently developing a flexible simulator for mono- and multistatic radar and sonar systems for the Radar Remote Sensing Group at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. I intend for a report on the design and development of this project to complete the requirements for an MSc degree in Electrical Engineering. More information about this project is available further down the page.

Along with my MSc, I am a teaching assistant for the course EEE3074W "Embedded Systems". My responsibilities include preparing lectures, presenting lectures, preparing tests and exams and helping students with labs and assignments.

I completed my BSc (Electrical and Computer Engineering) degree at the University of Cape Town and graduated at the end of 2005. As part of the requirements for that degree, I developed an IPsec gateway based on the Intel IXP2400 network processor. More information on this project, including the report, is available. I presented an analysis of the project at the 13th International Conference on Telecommunications in 2005.

I stayed in Smuts Hall (a men's residence at the University of Cape Town) for four years, where I served on the House Committee, IT subcommittee and beer club committee.

Before University, I attended Crawford College Lonehill in Johannesburg.

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Curriculum Vitae

I have a complete single page CV available in PDF format (coming soon to a big screen near you). Please contact me if your require any other information.

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Journal and Conference Papers

"A High Performance IPsec Gateway Based on the Intel IXP2400 Network Processor", Marc Brooker and Neco Ventura, 13th International Conference on Telecommunications, May 2006.

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MSc (Elec Eng) Project

My master's project concerns the design and implementation of a flexible and extensible simulator for monostatic and multistatic radar systems. The simulator is intended to support the simulation of both traditional and modern radar systems, including pulsed radars, continuous wave radars and phased arrays. The simulator will also offer support for sonar systems.

The project includes an investigation of efficient simulation techniques, development of algorithms for fast and accurate simulation of radar and sonar systems and investigation and application of best practice software design techniques.

The simulator is written in standard C++ and is intended to be portable to any operating system with an ISO compliant C++ compiler. It is being developed on Linux and actively tested on Linux and Windows. More information about FERS, source releases and documentation will be available on the FERS homepage.

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Undergraduate Project

During the last semester of the final year of the BSc Electrical and Computer engineering program at the University of Cape Town, I was required to complete a major project. For this project, I designed and implemented an IPsec gateway based on the Intel IXP2400 network processor.

The project involved designing and implementing a highly parallel (8 threads per engine running on 8 parallel engines) implementation of the ESP protocol from the IPsec suite. Following implementation of this design, I analyzed it's performance on a variety of loads. A complete report (available here) on the design, implementation and testing phases of the project was prepared.

I wrote a paper based on this project which I presented at the 13th International Conference on Telecommunications in May 2006.

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My Software

kasound is a KDE frontend for easy configuration of ALSA's somewhat cryptic .asoundrc file. It allows the user to easily set up multiple sound cards, configure surround sound and configure ALSA to allow multiple sounds to play concurrently. Written in C++ with KDE and Qt libraries and is GPLd.

FERS (the radar simulator I am designing and implementing for my MSc) we be made available at some stage. The details have yet to be sorted out, however.

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Other Information

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Interesting Links

HydrogenAudio - The Audio Technology Enthusiast's Resource
Debian GNU/Linux - My Favourite Flavour of Linux
Ubuntu Linux - My Second Favourite Flavour of Linux
Bjarne Stroustrup - Inventor of C++

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