Jean-Paul da Conceicao
B.Sc (Mechatronics) (Hons.)

I graduated with a degree in mechatronics at UCT in 2008, and am currently working on an Msc in Electrical Engineering, working on FPGAs at the Centre for High Performance Computing in Rondebosch.

Undergraduate Thesis Topic: A Hybrid Power Harveting Module for use in a Typical Industrial Environment.
My undergrad thesis topic investigated the feasability of harvesting/scavenging ambient energy (such as light, heat, or machine vibrations) and then using such harvested energy to power low-power electronic devices. A wireless sensor network in a factory was suggested as one possible application.

Masters Thesis Topic: My topic has not been clearly defined yet, but it will most likely involve some practical application of FPGAs.

Music (I play the guitar and drums), Computer programming.

Contact Details:
cell: 072 424 0895