Embedded Systems
Part C: Implementation
![]() E.B.E. |
Scope: This page tells you
about Part C of the EEE3074W project.
This document summaries expect ions for Project 3 Part C, the subsystem prototype phase. See Figure 1 for UML diagram show aspects of this part of the project, and how they relate.
Figure 1: UML diagram describing Part C of The Project.
Each member should be responsible for at least some of the prototype code; this may include a module or a substantial part of a model. All members should participate on the circuit design and in integrating the code and circuit into a working subsystem prototype.
The following models need to be submitted by 17 October:
Final circuit diagram (can be copy of MS-B version if it wasn't changed)
User interface
This could be a menu module or other module to control the front-end of the system
Include debugging and testing code, e.g. to display values sampled by an ADC
Module or code to control a peripheral
Signal processing
Methods for sampling and processing of input, and generating outputs
e.g. doing a digital LPF/averaging, detecting trigger events, etc.
Communications module for embedded side (and PC side if needed)
Implementing a (packet) protocol, include error detection
Its preferable to have the Comms module separate (i.e. a level above RS232C)
Example functions: void send_ADCdata ();
All teams have a shared repository in the /REPOSITORY/Project1/TEAMn directory, where n is the number of your team. You can keep your MASTER files under the MASTER directory in your repository.
The code needs to be submitted on-line using the Project PROROTYPE task on the course website. If you are using ESAOA, submit your entire framework directory, alternately work in a single directory, and tar and gzip the entire directory and hand it in.
Important: only one submission per group please.