This course could not have happened without the help of the following
Professor M. Inggs: Professor Inggs got the entire concept moving, and his
vision for the Computer Engineering stream of Electrical Engineering is a
major influence, and motivating factor, for this course. He is largely to
thank for securing, and organizing the funding and equipment used in this
Professor M. Braae: Thanks to Prof. Braae for brining EEE3074W into the
Electrical Engineering department in 2005, and for his support in this process
from his then head of department (HOD) capacity.
Marc Brooker: Tought course and improved content in 2006 and 2007.
Faciliated labs and tutoring.
Lance Williams: Tutored and managed pracs in 2006 and 2007.
Aadil Volkwin: Presented lectures, and helped with labs in 2006 and 2007
Professor T. Gaunt: Thanks to Prof. Gaunt, the now HOD.
Samuel Ginsburg: Thanks for the many discussions, suggestions, and helping
to decide issues such as lab times between our courses.
Mputumi Nkewu: Thanks for all the effort you have put in, and especially
your patience with the various equipment booking systems and meeting many
students' desires for the lab to be open "just a little longer" on those
hand-in dates.
And my thanks to many others who have had the patience, and often
comments, on this course, including: Dr Linck, Stephan Sandenberg, members of
the Radar and Remote Sensing Group, former students of EEE3074W, and the
Electrical Engineering administrative staff.